Destination: Westbank
The House That Mike Built Mission Hill The Mission Hill Family Estate Winery is dubbed The House That Mike Built, as in Mike’s Hard Lemonade. Anthony Von Mandl established this successful alcoholic product, along with his Mission Hill Wines label. While BC wine is growing in popularity, the economics of winemaking in our province don’t […]
Summerland Redux
P & L with Stacey at Dirty Laundry Vineyards Summerland, BC, feels like a well-kept secret, with its rolling green farmland, country roads and the Kettle Valley Railway. It is blossoming as one of BC’s best wine-making sub-appellations. On this second day trip to Summerland with our pals Paul and Leanne, we visited for the […]
Off to the cooler!
Cooler: Must Have for Wine Touring Successful wine travel means more than a tankful of cheap gas. You need a few accoutrements, like a good cooler to beat the heat. You don't want to experience the shock of driving around with your case of Cab-Merlot bleeding past the cork into the trunk of your car. […]