B.C. wine properties fetched in record breaking sales – #BCWine2017Top10
Andrew Peller Ltd. CEO John Peller BC’s bourgeoning sub-appellations turn grapes into gold #BCWine2017Top10: Number 1 Dear readers, we present to you the Number 1 story on our “Top 10” BC wine events of the past year! The sale of three major wine labels and significant vineyard acreage to Andrew Peller Ltd. was the biggest […]
Comeau case could mean #CanadianWineForAll! #BCWine2017Top10
#BCWine2017Top10: Number 2 The “Top 10” BC wine stories of 2017 arrives finally at Number 2! This time Canadian wine goes front and centre in the highest court in the land. The Comeau decision, and how the BC wine community rallied is one of the biggest industry stories of the year. Over the years at […]
The forecast calls for smoke — BC wine impacted by weather and wildfires #BCWine2017Top10
#BCWine2017Top10: Number 3 The “Top 10” BC wine stories of 2017 continues, once again acknowledging how our environment has the power to change the fortunes of BC winemakers overnight. BC wine country like most of the province was hit hard by persistent smoke from wildfires in the province’s Interior. The smoke and haze ultimately defined […]